Some of our clients in recent years
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; European External Action Service; International Organisation for Migration (IOM); OCHA; UNHCR; UNICEF; UNOPS Geneva; Crown Agents (UK); Swiss Development Cooperation;
Geneva Center for Security Policy; Executive Programme of the Graduate Institute Geneva & American University for Central Asia; Centre for Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding at the Graduate Institute Geneva; Clingendael Academy (Netherlands); Canton of Geneva Youth and Child Protection Service; Swiss Academy for Development; Initiatives of Change Switzerland; Swiss Solidarity Foundation; International Foundation for Population and Development; Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining; Geneva Call; John Hopkins Univ. (Baltimore); George Washington University (Washington D.C.); Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (France); International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA); KUNO Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange (Netherlands); Fondation Botnar
KoGe (consortium Swiss NGOs); Interaction Schweiz (consortium Swiss NGOs); VENRO (platform of German humanitarian and development NGOs); Dóchas (platform of Irish humanitarian and development NGOs); International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA); Start Network (DEPP Learning Project, Start Fund); Swiss Center of Competence for International Cooperation (CINFO): Concord (European network)
Conciliation Resources (UK); Peaceful Change Initiative (UK); Austria Center for Peace; Frontline AIDS (UK); CARE Netherlands; CARE UK; CARE USA; Cordaid (Netherlands); SoS Kinderdorpen Netherlands; Dutch Relief Alliance; SPARK (Netherlands); German Doctors; Action MEDEOR; ToGETHER Consortium (four German NGOs); Norwegian Church Aid; DanChurchAid, Danish Refugee Council; Save the Children Denmark; FELM (Finland); Lutheran World Federation Burundi; Oxfam (ELNHA Project); Trócaire (Ireland); Bioforce (France); Wikimedia; SoS Kinderdorpen Netherlands; SCiO (Systems and Complexity in Organisations); Globethics
Charter4Change; ECOWEB (Philippines); Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (Jordan); PeaceLabs (Lebanon); NEADS (India-Assam); Euro-Burma Office; RAFT Myanmar; Community World Service Asia (Pakistan); COAST Trust (Bangladesh)
Testimonies from Clients
“The Board and staff of IFPD are extremely grateful to Koenraad and Smruti for having led us through a revision of the Foundation’s strategy and establishing the basis for a renewed 5-year strategic plan. Both have been very forthcoming, easy-going, personalities and it is a pleasure to work with them. Their extensive experience with field work in many countries, as well as their competence as consultants, brought much insight into our discussions. All participants in our ‘retreat’ have learned much from them through their leadership and guidance in a challenging exercise. We highly recommend these two consultants to any organisation in need of revising their strategy or projects. ”
“Almost all participants in this annual Charter4Change meeting found it highly productive. To a good extent, the credit for that goes to your facilitation skills. It was more than an ‘assignment’ for you. Your passion about the localisation process ensured that, throughout the meeting, local voices got heard and their concerns incorporated in the plan. ”
“On behalf of the MEAL unit in IOM Turkey, we would like to thank you for the support and guidance you gave us during the time we worked together. We learned a lot during the scoping mission from the constructive feedback you gave us, especially about our accountability mechanisms to affected populations (AAP). We will continue to reflect the feedback and improve the quality of our AAP systems. ”
“I wanted to thank you for providing us with an open atmosphere that was conducive to different types of exchange. You brought out positive thoughts/reflections from many of us. The calm and serenity with which you approached the challenging/hurtful conversations was desperately needed. I only regret that we did not have an additional day to get through the muddy waters! ”
“I have very much appreciated your ‘savoir être’. You reminded me of where I am and where I would like to go. You reawakened my courage and confidence that I can and will find my way and that I will have to go for it!”
“As our humanitarian training project is coming to an end soon, I would also like to thank you for the nice and fruitful cooperation during the last months. I enjoyed working with you two, and I think the participants of the trainings and coachings could benefit a lot from your experiences. ”
“I really enjoyed every one of your workshops and I do appreciate your way of leading through a workshop, both of you!! ”
“Merci pour votre cours sur la conduite du changement. Il ouvre des champs de réflexions très intéressants pour les futurs professionnels que nous sommes. ”
“One of the people who influenced me a lot was Koenraad from Belgium whom I trained with in 2013. He was full of knowledge and experience, calm, wise, with ideas, propositions and able to communicate his knowledge well to us trainees. When we asked a question, he would sit and think about it for long seconds, and after that offer a compelling and useful answer. It offered a very different way of conversation compared to many conversations in our society, where we talk quick, often superficial and subjective, as if a conversation is a fight. ”
This is an incredibly helpful paper—easy to read and follow, very practical, with the type of information we’d want in planning any project on this topic. Should we continue to dabble in this area, it will have saved us months of research/review and trying to figure things out (and then still having to guess from there)! You’ll really boiled things down in a way that I can understand, and I really appreciate that you kept it at such a practical level. We are so fortunate to have access to the knowledge and wisdom you’ve gained after decades of work in this area. Thank you!! P.S. John Hopkins University, Center for Communication Programmes
“Now is the time to thank you, Koenraad, for all of the work you have put into this. I think the report is excellent and is the product we were looking for. It has not been the easiest or the most straightforward assignment, but I think you have delivered an excellent report for us and one that, I very much hope, has a life beyond HARP-F. Thank you very much for the dedication and perseverance required to make this happen. ”
I found your input, insights and comments on proposals always very helpful and constructive. But at most, I enjoyed seeing and experiencing how you managed the creation of a calm environment for the presenters, who usually find themselves in a rather stressed and nervous state. As it has been the first time for me being on the reviewer side for the Swiss Solidarity Foundation, I still very well remember how “exciting” it feels when presenting a proposal in front of the panel. I find this a very important and admirable skill, from which the Foundation’s Proposal Assessment Commission sessions and presenters benefitted from – thank you!
Under your leadership, the Proposal Assessment Commission consistently maintained the atmosphere it was meant to have, a relaxed yet professional environment for peer review. As both a member and a presenter of my organisation’s projects, I’ve always felt respected and valued. For this, I would like to sincerely thank you. I will certainly miss this experience with you.
I very much liked how you put us all ease while keeping us to the highest professional standards, leading by example.
- Feedback from members of the Proposal Assessment Commission, which Koenraad chaired for eight years -